Articles by Weixin Zha
How the Netherlands revived its education of craft tailoring
Back in 2011, the Dutch National Opera & Ballet had a problem: it couldn’t find any local talent when looking for high-quality tailors. This realisation gave birth to Meesteropleiding Coupeur, a private school with a goal to revive the craft of tailoring. And so far it looks like it’s been successful, with past graduates having worked with Dutch...
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Brigitte Danielmeyer joins C&A as buying manager from Superdry
German fashion executive Brigitte Danielmeyer has joined Dutch clothing retailer C&A after two job changes last year. Danielmeyer joined as Director C&A Buying Ladies Division, the company said in a statement on Tuesday. In October, Danielmeyer joined British clothing brand Superdry plc as its new chief product officer. In February, she left her...
Miinto wants to become the Airbnb of fashion
Much is discussed about the competition between brick and mortar stores and ecommerce, and the need for retailers to be “omnichannel”. But, for Danish company Miinto, this is not a battle. Rather, one can build a bridge between the high street and the Internet. Miinto is an online marketplace offering apparel from 1,600 brick and mortar...
Business|CEO INTERVIEW Featuredloading...
What’s next for the Bangladesh Accord? Q&A
Five years on from one of the most tragic industry accidents to date at Rana Plaza, which saw more than 1100 people lose their lives, and the inspectors working to improve the safety of the textile factory workers might have to leave Bangladesh. An eviction of the Bangladesh Accord - which was set up by more than 200 apparel companies to improve...
Business|BACKGROUND Featuredloading...
Amazon restricts its Swiss offering
Online platform Amazon will soon stop supplying Switzerland via its website The reason is a change in value-added tax law, which will come into force in January. With the new legislation, the Swiss government aims to put domestic and foreign mail order companies on an equal footing. Until now, the import tax for deliveries to...
Esprit CEO: Our plan is “ambitious but it’s also realistic”
Struggling fashion retailer Esprit has unveiled an ambitious plan to counter years of revenue decline last week. But will it succeed in finding a new place on the market, after what the company itself defined as years of “brand inconsistency”? Chief Executive Officer Anders Kristiansen, who joined Esprit in June, sounded confident when...
Management|CEO INTERVIEW Featuredloading...
Pioneering 3D technology: digital design at Hugo Boss
It’s safe to say that digitisation has well and truly arrived in the fashion industry. New and innovative ways of designing clothes using 3D software don’t only save money, it also gets products on store shelves faster. Hugo Boss is no stranger to this tech-savvy designing approach, with the German fashion company already developing 40 percent...
Fashion Featuredloading...
Is fast fashion actually becoming more sustainable?
Morocco - After years of public scrutiny, it seems as if the fast fashion sector is finally beginning to shift its attention towards the issue of sustainability. No longer restricted to fashion company boardrooms, awareness surrounding sustainability has started to trickle down into the production line, as proved by a recent visit to the ‘Maroc...
Danish brand Just to take control of its currently outsourced web store
Danish womenswear label Just is taking up the reins of its online store, as the brand looks to bring its currently outsourced webstore back in-house. The company’s e-commerce department has already begun the process of insourcing their webstore this month, and the process should be completed next summer, co-chief executive officer and creative...
Fashion loading... launches blockchain lab with US and Chinese researchers, one of China’s biggest online retailers, has launched a blockchain research lab to solve the restrictions that still restrict the wider usage of the technology. Established jointly with the Ying Wu College of Computing at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research...