Centro Tessile Milano

centrotessilemilano.it/ Italy
When wholesale clothing becomes fast fashion The Milan Textile Center was founded in 1984 through the initiative of thirty textile workers who for years worked in the heart of Milan. The decision to place it in an area outside of Milan was determined by the ability to offer customers easier access, ample parking, a fast connection to the center of Milan, the airports and major roads.
Now “Centro Tessile Milano” brings together over 190 consortium members able to offer a wide range of textile products, from clothing to underwear, from leather goods to textile furnishings and household linen, from costume jewelery to fabrics, from footwear to haberdashery. Access to the Center is strictly reserved for operators in the textile-home-clothing and accessories sector. Sale to private individuals, is not allowed. Contact: P: +39 02 9210 3722 E: ctm@ctmilano.com Photo credit: Centro Tessile Milano